Cost Management & Cost Optimisation
Efficiency for maximum savings and full cost control

Get support and take control of your expenses

Property costs are often the largest expense item in a company after personnel costs. But don’t worry, we can help you to make these costs transparent, manage them effectively and optimise them.

Our approach:

  • We start with an analysis of your current situation and then work with you and your service providers to optimise existing contracts
  • When it comes to new tenders, we are at your side to ensure that you receive the best offers.

We help you save money without compromising on quality

Together, we will find ways to effectively manage and reduce your property costs. Because we want you to get the best out of your property.

Our services in the field
Cost Management & Cost Optimisation

Cost analysis
  • Analysis of external services / purchasing volume
  • Analysis of own services / own organisation incl. delimitation
  • Benchmarking of service levels and costs per service
  • Procurement and market situation analysis
Realisation planning
  • Leverage workshops to prioritise optimisation measures
  • Concrete planning of measures including all necessary resources
  • Change management
  • Project management
Cost reduction
  • Process analyses to increase efficiency
  • Functional analyses to analyse the existing in-house organisation
  • Contract analyses
  • Benchmarking of in-house and external services
  • Contract optimisation
  • Implementation of cost-cutting measures
Tendering and awarding
  • Erstellen Ausschreibungsunterlagen
  • Recording the system and area data
  • Tendering and awarding
  • Implementierung und Qualitätssicherung